
The Philanthropy Miami Blog


Driving Change: The Power of Strategic Action in Your Nonprofit

Taking action promotes change and is the key to productivity and forward movement in our organizations. The most important aspect of taking action is that your actions are rooted in strategy and well-thought-out planning. 

Key points to consider: 

  • Strategic planning 
  • Leveraging data to map out what actions you take and when 
  • Making sure your organization’s actions are rooted in your mission 

Action Backed by Strategic Planning 

One of the most important aspects of taking action is that it is rooted in strategy. Doing for the sake of doing can hasten you and your team to a feeling of burnout, and yield minimal results that add to a feeling of defeat. If you have your staff consumed with taking actions that use up their resources (time, creativity, networking,etc.), but yields little results, you are likely tasking them with actions that aren’t rooted in strategy. By starting with strategy, you can mitigate the possibility that you and your team will be busy with actions that do not bear fruit for your nonprofit. 

Effective action starts with a plan! A strategic plan involves setting clear, attainable goals, identifying the steps to reach those goals, and then allocating the available resources accordingly. 

Keep these action items in mind as you develop the strategic plan for your organization: 

  • Assess the current state of your nonprofit. 
  • Set attainable goals that align with your organization’s mission and vision. 
  • Develop a list of the necessary actions to achieve your goals. 
  • Figure out the resources needed to take each action (people, tech, partners, etc.) and then allocate the resources appropriately. 
  • Monitor and evaluate your progress on a regular cadence to determine your progress and what’s working and what’s not. 

Leveraging Data to Take Effective Action 

As detailed in a previous blog post, Leveraging The Power of Data Analytics To Make A Bigger Impact in Your Community, nonprofits have a unique opportunity to leverage the power of data analytics to drive meaningful change and make a bigger impact in their communities. As a nonprofit leader, you can ensure that the actions your organization is taking are the most impactful by analyzing the effectiveness of your programming and initiatives. 

Data collection can lead to better programming and donor engagement. Consider taking the following actions when it comes to using data for the betterment of your organization: 

  • Collect data through surveys, program evaluations, and other forms. 
  • Analyze the information you’ve collected to uncover hidden insights and identify patterns or trends that may not be obvious to you during day-to-day operations. 
  • Identify which actions will have the biggest impact and prioritize them. 

Rooting Your Actions In Your Mission

Your mission is at the center of everything your organization does, so when planning your strategy-based action steps that are backed by data, you will want to make sure that all activities are mission-aligned. 

Take these steps to keep your mission top of mind in all of your organization’s endeavors: 

  • Frequently revisit your mission statement in meetings, company retreats, workshops, during performance evaluations, etc. 
  • Engage key stakeholders with the ways they can connect to and promote your mission. 
  • Clearly communicate how the actions of you and your team directly contribute to your mission. 

Taking action promotes change. For more information and resources to equip yourself with the knowledge and tools needed to drive meaningful progress in your organization—join us at our events and become a part of a community dedicated to making a difference. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to learn, grow, and take your organization to the next level with PhilanthropyMiami

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Maintaining a robust - and fun - community of people committed to Miami's social sector takes investment. We invite you to participate.

This is where you belong

Maintaining a robust - and fun - community of people committed to Miami's social sector takes investment. We invite you to participate.