Ten Questions With…Kerry-Ann Royes

Welcome to “Ten Questions With”…an ongoing series of posts let us get to know the unique, creative, and energetic folks who drive Miami’s nonprofit sector. In other words…all of us. And stay tuned, because we’re building out a new feature of the PhilanthropyMiami website that will let you upload your own answers to Ten Questions With.

Miami is special because…

No matter where I travel in the country, I recognize how special Miami is. The color of our peoples create real vibrancy and energy of experiences. I love that we are a city of recent-generation immigrants. Nothing better.

What does our nonprofit community need to be at our best?

To be recognized and treated as legitimate businesses with a critical role in the economics of Miami. Investors are attracted to thriving communities, with rich quality of life and a strong talent pipeline. Without nonprofits working for those left in the margins, these opportunities are inequitably distributed and certainly slower to realize.

What is the biggest thing you are working on right now?

A human-centered, systems collaboration with agencies and stakeholders serving women and girls in South Florida, to drive their economic success.

What are you reading?

Measure What Matters OKRs- John Doerr
The Year of Dangerous Days: Riots, Refugess and Cocaine, Miami 1980- Nicolas Griffin
Audible re-listen- Caste- Isabel Wilkerson

Where is the one place in the world you are dying to go?

Seriously?! After lock-down?? Everywhere! But, Medellin, Columbia would be up there for sure…after I get home from Jamaica.

Who inspires you?

I am always inspired by people who challenge my thinking. But, the only answer that resonates in a meaningful way is Christ- His grace, His blessings, His ability to do so much more than I can ever design or imagine.

If you could invite any five people, dead or alive, to dinner, who would they be?

My father (who passed away 10 years ago), Brené Brown, Darrick Hamilton, Dave Chappelle, and W. Kamau Bell.

When you are not working you are…

Hanging with my family in all the beautiful everyday ways- running to activities, cooking dinner, listening to music, traveling, and toes in the sand.

A night on the town is…

Dinner with good friends at a great restaurant with live music… preferably outdoors in a foreign city where we could meander for hours after.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Speak up and take chances. You will figure it out. Just keep doing the next best thing.

Kerry-Ann Royes is the President and CEO of YWCA South Florida.

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